Gout is caused by microscopic uric acids crystals forming in the joints. This causes painful inflammation. These crystals can sometimes form crystal deposits that can be felt as “tophi” or get deposited in the kidneys. This can cause nephritic pain or alteration in their function. To reduce the amount of uric acid in the body, it is important to eat a low-purine diet (mainly seafood, red meat, and asparagus) and to take medication allopurinol and febuxostat. All-natural treatment is also highly recommended: Home Remedies For Gout

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Gout

This is one cause of acute arthritis. It manifests as sudden episodes (“attacks”) that cause intense pain and swelling in a joint. Without treatment, the acute episode can last several days. These episodes are more likely to occur again and can affect any joint in subsequent attacks. It is most common to affect the first metatarsophalangeal foot joint, but it can also affect other joints such as the ankles, knees, and wrists.

Sometimes, synovial bursae and tendons can become inflamed. This could lead to bursitis and tenosynovitis. The disease can progress and affect multiple joints, severely limiting quality of life. In advanced stages of disease, there may be palpable accumulations in the form hard nodules (called tophi). Sometimes, crystals of uric acid are found in the kidneys and can cause episodes of nephritic collic.

These are the most common Symptoms:

  • Joint pain and swelling
  • Functional disability.
  • Nephritic colic.

What causes Gout?

Normal conditions will see the body absorb uric acids from the diet and the biochemical reactions. This equals the amount that is excreted through urine or, in a less severe case, feces. The body produces more uric acids than it ingests. This causes a rise in blood levels and crystal formation in the joints. But there are natural supplements to eliminate the causes of gout: Gout Treatment

Gout can affect Anyone

It’s four times more common in men than it is in women. It can happen from adolescence through senile years, but it prefers to affect men between 35-50 years old and women over 50.

The main risk factor for male sex is high blood levels of uric acid. The higher the levels, and the greater the chance, there are other factors. Other risk factors include obesity, high blood pressure and taking certain drugs.

What is the Treatment for Gout?

The treatment involves the administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as colchicine, or both, in decreasing doses over several days to achieve complete relief. It’s more effective if it’s started sooner. You can also try all-natural treatments, which guarantees no side effects: Gout Home Remedy

What should You do if Your Blood Uric Acid is too High?

  • Limiting the intake of purines-rich foods and correcting hypertension, if any, is a good idea.
  • Drug treatment is only recommended if blood uric acids levels are extremely high.