Erectile dysfunction is also known medically as impotence. It affects more people than you might think. It is often the same problem that affects both the person and their partner. In a nutshell, here are the most frequently asked questions.

Is smoking making you impotent?

Although it does not cause occlusive arterial diseases, smoking is a risk factor. The most affected arteries are the ones that are thinnest and sensitive. They are also the ones that are most affected in the penis. Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by smoking.

Is cycling going to make me numb?

It all depends on how long the saddle has been in place. It can also cause sensory and circulatory disorders due to the saddle’s pressure. However, this is only true if you cycle for a prolonged period of time and more than 300km per week. These recommendations can help reduce your risk. Adjust the saddle so that it is slightly inclined downwards. The weight will be transferred to the buttocks, not the genital region. The saddle height should be adjusted so that your legs don’t extend beyond the knees. This will reduce the area of the seat. To maintain blood flow, stand approximately once every 10 minutes. A large, well-padded, comfortable saddle is better than a narrow one, which puts extra pressure on the genitals.

What if I have a heart disease but still want to take medication to treat erectile dysfunction?

No problem if you’re not taking any other medication that is incompatible with ED medications. Talk to your doctor as he is familiar with you and your body. You should avoid sex after a stroke, heart attack, or other serious illness for at least 6 weeks.

Is my insurance policy able to cover the cost of sexual stimulants?

No. These could include supplements that treat erectile dysfunction and increase sexual power. These products are no longer covered by insurance companies. Health insurance companies still cover counselling, diagnosis, and treatment. They also pay for cavernous implants, psychotherapies and surgeries.

What should I do if my partner reveals his potency disorder to me?

Keep calm. Talk to your partner if you are asked about your problems. Focus on your partner and forget about what you’re doing. Keep your partner informed and involved in the discussion. Don’t blame or pressure him. But don’t minimize the problem. As erectile dysfunction is often a sign of serious illness, it’s better to work together in order to find a solution.

Do I need to accompany my partner?

You should. You can make a significant contribution to the history of your partner and to any possible causes. You will also learn about possible treatments. During this crucial conversation, make sure you keep your partner comfortable.

What can I do to influence the therapy chosen?

It is better to be honest with your partner. Tell your partner that you are open to working with your doctor and him/her to find the best treatment plan that suits your needs. If your partner doesn’t want you to do so, respect his or her wishes, but don’t withdraw.