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Impotence – is the Reason for Divorce and Quarrels! TestoUltra can avoid this!

Today, I am going to address a delicate but important topic: men’s health. Each day, I get many requests asking me to share information about the latest methods of potency restoration. Surprisingly these are often questions that women ask to help their husbands deal with this serious problem. Men are more likely to avoid talking about the problem and to not rush to see a doctor when they realize the need.

These intimate conversations can be understood and no one would want to share them with a stranger, even a doctor. Today I’ll tell you how to restore potency quickly and safely without the need for chemistry or operations. It is important to note that bed problems can occur much earlier in modern men. Sometimes it starts after 30 years of age, and sometimes at a younger age.

You can expect to lose your health over time if you don’t take care of yourself. After several failed attempts at bed, it can happen. Some men start to take Viagra and other medications. It is not necessary to do this! Viagra and similar preparations do provide strong erections, but for a brief time. These preparations don’t treat! The man also loses his confidence and cannot live without magic pills.

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Is it possible to have good Potency at any age

We all have heard the stories about stars and famous men who married young women. These marriages are successful because babies are born and the men are happy. Young wives are proud of their husbands’ success and will tell their stories. How does this happen? What about Viagra, Cialis, and other similar drugs? It is not.

TestoUltra is completely herbal and can be released without the need for a prescription. It is gentle to tolerate, does not cause side effects, and is not addictive. This is due to the fact that TestoUltra does not fight the effect but the cause of the disease. It simultaneously acts in three effects: Normal metabolism, testosterone secretion, dilatation blood vessels, elimination cholesterol deposits, and inflammatory processes within the prostate.

TestoUltra’s main advantage is its soft effect and strong results. Urotrin can also be purchased in Germany at the moment.

Laboratories tests took a lot of time. All necessary certificates of safety were obtained. The Institute of Urology also conducted extensive clinical studies, which produced excellent results.

TestoUltra offers stable erection and increases libido. It also blocks premature ejaculation. Only natural components, in the right amounts, give excellent results within the first few weeks.

TestoUltra results:

1. Strong stable erection that is easy to manage

2. Increased duration of sexual intercourse: Sexual intercourse can last up to 2 hours.

3. Increased attraction

4. Increasing the quality and quantity of sperm.

5. Longer and more intense orgasms

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Increase your Testosterone Levels with TestoUltra

Many important functions are performed by testosterone, the male sex hormone. This article will show you how to naturally increase your testosterone levels. Attention men! Today we will be discussing testosterone, the male sexual hormone. What is it actually useful for? It is true that hormones can make your muscles grow and make you more potent.

This article will reveal the most common myths surrounding testosterone, which women can also learn from. We will also reveal the other amazing functions that testosterone can perform!

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These are the 3 biggest Myths surrounding Testosterone

1. Testosterone makes You Aggressive

False – testosterone-driven men are quarrelsome and aggressive. It is also true that testosterone levels are higher in men who find themselves in difficult situations.

For example, a University of Gottingen study found that testosterone levels in men who are involved in competitive situations rise when they win. The same study shows that hormones rise sharply in high concentrations, sharpening the senses. It is less aggressive when playing chess, for example.

2. Testosterone makes Muscles Grow

Right – The hormone is anabolic. muscle-building effect. Your muscles will grow stronger because you stimulate your protein metabolism. However, it is not a good idea to increase your testosterone by taking supplements. Supplements can activate the body’s compensatory mechanism and reduce your body’s testosterone production.

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3. Testosterone is a Male Hormone

False – hormones are produced in both men and in women. They cause the same behaviour patterns or are secreted under similar conditions. Men produce 10-20 times more testosterone than women. Another difference is that testosterone, which functions as a sexual hormone in men and is produced mainly in the testicles, is responsible for sperm formation and libido.

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Amazing effects of Testosterone on the Brain

The hormone’s effects on the brain are often overlooked, in addition to its obvious effects. The brain performs several important functions by the sex hormone. It is possible for testosterone to cross the blood-brain barrier easily. Its concentration in bloodstream determines how much is available in brain.

The brain triggers the anabolic effect, which we have already discussed. This is where muscle growth begins. However, testosterone can influence the transport of messenger substances throughout the body. This has a significant impact on your mood, and therefore your behavior.

Therefore, testosterone could also be called “moodhormone”. In old age, the effects of the sexhormone on the brain are particularly evident. Many men experience mood swings and depression when their testosterone level is low. It becomes apparent why when you look closely at the process. The role of testosterone in the serotonin system is important and modulating. Our built-in happiness equilibrium. We would be anxious, depressed and depressed without serotonin.

The study showed that testosterone can increase the brain’s binding capacity for serotonin. This makes you feel happier. The hormone can do more! A University of Munster study has shown that spatial awareness can have a positive effect on brain function. Higher testosterone levels in male and female test subjects resulted in better spatial recognition tasks.

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Does TestoUltra help older Men as well?

The most important male sex hormone is testosterone. As we age, it decreases in testosterone. It is normal for the body to do this. This does not cause any problems. However, there has been much talk lately about “male menopause”, also known as “testosterone deficiencies in old age”.

You might be wondering if you should get your testosterone levels checked. You may also have discovered that your testosterone levels were low and are now wondering if you should get more testosterone.

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What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is mostly produced in the testicles, and it influences many body processes:

  • The development of male sex organs like the penis and testicles.
  • The typical male physique, with more muscle mass, deeper voice, and a beard.
  • Formation of sperm
  • Sexual interest

Old age Testosterone Levels

Men gradually but surely produce less testosterone after the age of 30. This is normal and not a cause for concern. It is normal to not feel any effects. The following are some of the reasons for low testosterone levels:

  • Driveability is a problem
  • Less muscle, more fat
  • Sexual desire decreases, erectile dysfunction
  • Hot flushes
  • Osteoporosis is a condition in which bone density declines.

These complaints are often the result of stress and natural aging. Other diseases may also be the reason. They can also be caused by normal testosterone levels. It is difficult to tell when your testosterone levels are so low that treatment may be worth it.

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How to determine the Testosterone Level?

The testosterone level in blood is measured and expressed as nanomoles per Liter (abbreviation: Nmol/L). It is affected by many factors:

  • Value varies from one person to the next.
  • It fluctuates throughout the day. It is, for example, higher in the morning than it is in the afternoon.
  • It all depends on your age.
  • Variations in the value of a laboratory can cause it to fluctuate.
  • It can also be reduced in cases of liver damage, lack of sleep, severe malnutrition, doping, or drug abuse.

As a guideline, a value between 10 and 40 nanomol/l is acceptable. But, there are many factors that can affect the measured value. It is therefore important to verify that a measurement is not too low with another measurement.

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You can do it yourself

  • The body produces less testosterone as we age. This is normal.
  • You don’t need to have your testosterone levels tested if you have no complaints.
  • A testosterone drug is unlikely to have any benefit, even if you have low testosterone levels. It’s not a lifestyle drug that will bring back youth and masculinity.
  • Talk to your doctor if you have severe symptoms or low testosterone.
  • Talk to your doctor if you feel your sex life has been affected. There are many ways you can help.
  • Exercise can help with some symptoms.
  • A healthy lifestyle may help with some problems. This includes exercise and a healthy diet.

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Can You Boost Testosterone Naturally with TestoUltra?

Both the male and female bodies contain testosterone, though it is more concentrated in the male body. The “male hormone”, testosterone is often called. It is important for men to have a healthy hormone.1 US researchers found that testosterone levels can be low and are associated with chronic diseases. You will be healthier if you can naturally increase testosterone.

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What should the Testosterone Levels of Men be?

Experts consider blood levels between 3 and 10nl/ml (nanograms/millilitres) to be normal. Some men have blood levels that exceed 10 ng/ml.

People who have testosterone levels below the norm might consider taking testosterone preparations to boost their levels. Experts advise against doing this. Why? If the hormone is provided from the outside, the body’s natural production will decrease over time. This should not be done in the most extreme cases.

Low Testosterone Levels can be caused by Several Factors

Low sleep quality and other unhealthy vices like smoking and alcohol consumption can have a significant negative impact on testosterone levels. Experts believe that frequent alcohol consumption can cause testosterone levels to plummet and the “female hormone oestrogen” to rise simultaneously. Hops, for instance, are a strong phytoestrogen. A plant-based female hormone. The many chemicals in cigarettes can also cause a disruption to testosterone’s balance.

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Natural Methods to increase Testosterone – Strategies and Tactics


The testosterone level drops to its lowest point one week after the last ejaculation. A permanently low testosterone level can result from men who abstain for prolonged periods. Regular ejaculation, on the other hand, has a positive effect. Experts agree that a lively sex life leads to a higher testosterone level.


For increasing testosterone levels, balance strength and endurance training is ideal. For cardio, 45 minutes is the ideal time. A workout that is too long should be avoided, at least for men. Specialists have reported that marathon runners are known to have “ruined their hormone balance.” Competitive athletes should have their testosterone levels checked at least twice per year.

Reduce belly Fat

Belly fat is home to the enzyme aromatase. This enzyme converts “male hormone” into “female oestrogen. Fat deposits around the abdomen can also have other negative consequences, such as increased blood pressure, obesity and disturbed fat metabolism. These are all well-known.

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Intermittent fasting is believed to have many health benefits, including an increase in testosterone levels. A study has shown this to be true.2 Normal-weight men who fasted for 12 to 56 hours have seen a 180 percent increase in testosterone conversion.

Oatmeal for breakfast

Oat bran and oatmeal are great for increasing testosterone levels. Oats are rich in so-called “avenacosides”, which decrease the amount of a protein in the blood that could otherwise block the sexhormone.

More Cabbage

All kinds of cabbage: broccoli, Brussels sprouts and white cabbage, as well as cauliflower. – contain high levels of vitamin C, so they should be consumed more often. In addition, cabbage scores with certain secondary plant substances and an exciting property in terms of testosterone: it inhibits the (testosterone-depleting) aromastasis mentioned above.

Enjoy Oysters

Oysters are an aphrodisiac due to their high levels of zinc. It has a positive impact on testosterone levels.

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What are the Causes of Low Testosterone?

What can you do to increase testosterone naturally? Testosterone, one of the most important sex hormones, has many physiological functions in both men and women. Hormone imbalances, particularly oestrogen dominance in men and women, are a growing problem. They can be caused by changing environmental influences that cause unfavorable mental and physical symptoms.

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What are Male Hormones?

Although testosterone is the male sexhormone, it also exists in the female body. It takes over many of the important signalling functions within the nervous system for both sexes. Hormones, which are similar to neurotransmitters, act as messenger substances and provide signals for different processes. They instruct the cells how to behave.

The testosterone is produced in the Leydig’s interstitial cells (male), the ovary and the adrenal cortices. The male sex hormone is important for sexual development. It has an impact on general growth, muscle development, and blood cell formation. The testosterone stimulates the skin’s sebaceous glands. Too much testosterone can cause clogs in the pores, which can lead to hair loss, acne, and blemished skin. It can also stimulate the release of pheromones, which attract opposite sex and have a significant impact on your libido as well as your potency. It is only a good idea to boost your testosterone if you are deficient in the hormone. Otherwise, it can lead to hormonal imbalances and other symptoms like acne.

Low Testosterone Levels and Dominance of Oestrogen

The enzyme aromatase converts some testosterone to oestrogens, as described above. Our bodies are often affected by environmental factors in today’s world. Many substances we consume through food, drink, and medicines (e.g. Oestrogen dominance can be triggered by the pill, but also via the skin (cosmetics). This is because many products contain microplastics, or chemical substances that block oestrogen receptors. In short, the body has too much natural estrogen floating around “freely”. This can result in a decrease in endogenous oestrogen production over the long-term.

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For Muscle building and dominance, producing more Testosterone

The topic of increasing testosterone is often discussed, especially when it comes down to building muscle mass or appearing more dominant at work. Although there are legal cases where artificial steroids can be administered, it is not recommended. This is because artificial oestrogens completely disrupt the body’s hormone production. The artificial hormone supply can also cause side effects, with acne being the most obvious.

It makes sense to restore hormonal balance, as oestrogen dominance and low testosterone levels are becoming more common. Oestrogen dominance doesn’t necessarily indicate low testosterone. Even if there is an oestrogen deficit, testosterone production can still be sufficient or too high. It is always a good idea to visit your doctor to have your hormone levels checked to determine if there are any problems.

Contrary to artificial testosterone substitution, your body can naturally produce more testosterone. This can be achieved by eating a healthy diet that includes enough macro- and micronutrients, as well as exercising – or the right type of exercise like strength training.

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What should you eat?

Good fats can increase natural testosterone production. Low fat diets or those that are completely fat-free are the best for testosterone suppression. This is not the only reason why a low-fat diet for longer than two weeks is unwise. The basis of the production of steroid hormones is good fats. These are all-natural fats and oils (virgin), and particularly saturated fatty acid, which have been long ignored. Pasture-raised butter and MCT oil, as well as organic eggs, can all support hormone production, which can help increase testosterone. A sufficient amount of protein is important, especially if you want to build more muscle with a higher level of testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone that promotes muscle cell growth or anabolic processes. Proteins are the main nutrients that can increase or strengthen muscle.

Because they have the right fats to maximize bioavailability, organic eggs and steak are excellent testosterone boosters. These foods also contain lots of zinc which can cause overactivity of the enzyme aromatase. Zinc regulates the aromatase when there is overproduction or underproduction. Zinc deficiency may also cause a testosterone deficiency or oestrogen dominance. A sufficient supply of zinc can increase testosterone levels if they are not too high.

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