What can you do to increase testosterone naturally? Testosterone, one of the most important sex hormones, has many physiological functions in both men and women. Hormone imbalances, particularly oestrogen dominance in men and women, are a growing problem. They can be caused by changing environmental influences that cause unfavorable mental and physical symptoms.

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What are Male Hormones?

Although testosterone is the male sexhormone, it also exists in the female body. It takes over many of the important signalling functions within the nervous system for both sexes. Hormones, which are similar to neurotransmitters, act as messenger substances and provide signals for different processes. They instruct the cells how to behave.

The testosterone is produced in the Leydig’s interstitial cells (male), the ovary and the adrenal cortices. The male sex hormone is important for sexual development. It has an impact on general growth, muscle development, and blood cell formation. The testosterone stimulates the skin’s sebaceous glands. Too much testosterone can cause clogs in the pores, which can lead to hair loss, acne, and blemished skin. It can also stimulate the release of pheromones, which attract opposite sex and have a significant impact on your libido as well as your potency. It is only a good idea to boost your testosterone if you are deficient in the hormone. Otherwise, it can lead to hormonal imbalances and other symptoms like acne.

Low Testosterone Levels and Dominance of Oestrogen

The enzyme aromatase converts some testosterone to oestrogens, as described above. Our bodies are often affected by environmental factors in today’s world. Many substances we consume through food, drink, and medicines (e.g. Oestrogen dominance can be triggered by the pill, but also via the skin (cosmetics). This is because many products contain microplastics, or chemical substances that block oestrogen receptors. In short, the body has too much natural estrogen floating around “freely”. This can result in a decrease in endogenous oestrogen production over the long-term.

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For Muscle building and dominance, producing more Testosterone

The topic of increasing testosterone is often discussed, especially when it comes down to building muscle mass or appearing more dominant at work. Although there are legal cases where artificial steroids can be administered, it is not recommended. This is because artificial oestrogens completely disrupt the body’s hormone production. The artificial hormone supply can also cause side effects, with acne being the most obvious.

It makes sense to restore hormonal balance, as oestrogen dominance and low testosterone levels are becoming more common. Oestrogen dominance doesn’t necessarily indicate low testosterone. Even if there is an oestrogen deficit, testosterone production can still be sufficient or too high. It is always a good idea to visit your doctor to have your hormone levels checked to determine if there are any problems.

Contrary to artificial testosterone substitution, your body can naturally produce more testosterone. This can be achieved by eating a healthy diet that includes enough macro- and micronutrients, as well as exercising – or the right type of exercise like strength training.

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What should you eat?

Good fats can increase natural testosterone production. Low fat diets or those that are completely fat-free are the best for testosterone suppression. This is not the only reason why a low-fat diet for longer than two weeks is unwise. The basis of the production of steroid hormones is good fats. These are all-natural fats and oils (virgin), and particularly saturated fatty acid, which have been long ignored. Pasture-raised butter and MCT oil, as well as organic eggs, can all support hormone production, which can help increase testosterone. A sufficient amount of protein is important, especially if you want to build more muscle with a higher level of testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone that promotes muscle cell growth or anabolic processes. Proteins are the main nutrients that can increase or strengthen muscle.

Because they have the right fats to maximize bioavailability, organic eggs and steak are excellent testosterone boosters. These foods also contain lots of zinc which can cause overactivity of the enzyme aromatase. Zinc regulates the aromatase when there is overproduction or underproduction. Zinc deficiency may also cause a testosterone deficiency or oestrogen dominance. A sufficient supply of zinc can increase testosterone levels if they are not too high.

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